বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

টেমপ্লেট:দিন গণনা

উইকিভ্রমণ থেকে

This template is to show the number of days until a major event starts.




{{Day Countdown
|name=Name of event
|address=Location of event
|logo= Logo for event
|year = 2016
|month= Month of event (from 1 to 12)
|day = Day of event (from 1 to 31)
|utc_offset = +8 hours 
|on_day_text = Message for the day on which event starts
|over_day_text = Message for after the event ends

ভবিষ্যতের ঘটনা

2022 Winter Olympics
ChinaChina (পতাকা) Beijing, China – ৪-২-২০২২
শেষ হয়েছে
স্থানীয় সময়
{{Day Countdown
|name=2022 Winter Olympics
|address={{flag|China}}  [[Beijing]], [[China]]
|year = 2022
|month= 2
|day = 4
|utc_offset = +8 hours

চলমান ঘটনা

Events today
Your destination – ২৪-০১-২০২৫
শুরু হয়েছে
স্থানীয় সময়
{{Day Countdown
|name=Events today
|address= Your destination
|year = {{#time:Y}}
|month= {{#time:m}}
|day = {{#time:d}}
|utc_offset = 0 hours

অতীতের ঘটনা

2008 Olympic Games will start
Beijing, China – ৮-৮-২০০৮
শেষ হয়েছে
স্থানীয় সময়
{{Day Countdown
|name=2008 Olympic Games will start
|address=[[Beijing]], [[China]]
|year = 2008
|month= 8
|day = 8
|utc_offset = +8 hours